So for all of you that may or may not know... I'm new to this blogging experience. Hence this being my first post. (Yay Me!) Well, although this experience may be a fun and a new venture of sorts, there are a few things that I need to clue you all into... 1. First and foremost I'm Detroit born and bred, but now I am considered one of the thousands of California imports you will find in the bustling city of Sacramento.(I have yet to meet a single person in California that is from California) 2. I am lesbian with a strong appreciation for all things woman...nuff said. 3. I am newly 30 and entering back into the realm of higher education... *Sidenote* There's so much to be said for this experience I am definitely seeing things differently as a woman as opposed to being a fledgling freshman on campus. I actually find myself referring to classmates... ...and yes,some professors, as "kids". 4. I am a writer... Aren't we all in some aspect? I love to write/read which is the basis for my dive back into school (Journalism with a focus in Creative Writing)... and finally 5. There are many levels to all that is Miiko, besides the ones that I have already named, and that is the purpose of this blog. Discovery! I want to share my experiences with everyone that will listen and hopefully discover more about myself with each of you in tow for the journey. Now even though I am a writer
at heart do not expect this to be some educational experience where you will learn practical knowledge about the ways of the world. I am not about that life. I will say that there are a lot of things that may speak to someone here or there... but for the most part this is all about sharing and getting some sh** off my chest that hopefully someone can maybe relate to. Do with it what you please.
Now that all of that is out the way, on to the real matter at hand. I am newly 30. There is no shame in my game I have no qualms about sharing my REAL age with the world. What does pose an issue for me, however, is all the damn wedding and baby pics posted on social networks by people that I may (or may not) know. It's like if I didn't feel like sh** before now... here's a picture of where you are supposed to be in life... Click Like or you're a hater.Don't get me wrong, I have no complaints about my life in general. I have a great relationship, my family is still happy to see me when I come around, I have a great job that even gives me at least 2 hours a day to go get some extra education, not to mention the benefits, and I do what I please as I please. But, that clock is ticking and every woman knows what clock I'm talking bout. I no longer socialize to associate myself with just some cool ass people. Noooo, Now I look at men as potential sperm donors and women as wife material. I got goals too ya know.... lol.
Real talk... I do love seeing my friends happy and there's no love lost to those that appear to have it all. At the age of 25 I wanted to be single for the rest of my life and I really truly thought was the way to go. Fast forward 5 years and now my age has me thinking more about whats next. What's my legacy gonna be? So instead of calling this a post quarter life crisis lets just call it a Pre Mid-Life Reformation. So for all of my ladies that are looking for that Mr./Mrs Right and the next donation to the -I want a baby before 32- fund, remember that this is the only shot we get to get this right. Make it count, invest in yourself. That's the only way you can truly make someone else wanna invest in you. That is All.
1 comment:
Love this! I'll definitely going to keep reading!
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