Tuesday, April 29, 2014

5 Steps to Summer Ready Natural Hair

Summer may not quite be here yet, but it is quickly approaching ladies. That means it is time to tighten up our summer hair maintenance routines, spruce up those protective styles and master those hydration regimens. Anyone with natural hair knows that the summer months can be brutal to our hair. Whether the humidity on the east coast or the blazing sun on the west, nature’s elements can play crucial roles in the health of our hair.
Photo Courtesy - My Phone 

The 5 main things to remember when taking care of our hair in the summer months are simply cleanse, condition, seal in moisture, protecting ends and moisturizing regularly. These 5 practices are the same year round, but can be even more crucial in the summer months when Mother Nature is at her finest.

      1.     Cleanse. Keeping our scalp clean is a vital part of maintaining our hairs health. In the winter months I tend to wash my hair less regularly (around once or twice a month with a cleanser or shampoo) because the scalp tends to sweat less and the amount of product build up is minimal. On the other hand in the summer months it is more important to wash more frequently due to the amount of sweat and build up that can accumulate on the scalp making the pores and follicles become clogged and weak. Another option to consider is what we in the natural community call a Co-Wash. That is when the hair is washed with conditioner as opposed to shampoo. This allows the product build up to be removed while not stripping the hair and scalp of necessary natural oils. The added moisture from the conditioner is just an added bonus.
     2.     Condition/deep condition.  Some of the most beneficial conditioning products available are found right in your own kitchen. Natural hair tends to be dry in appearance. That is just a fact that we cannot change, but there are ways and conditioning products that can add shine to our curls and coils. Check out this recipe for this awesome avocado recipe  that can be made from ingredients you may already have in your kitchen.  If making up a conditioner factory in your kitchen is not exactly your cup of tea there are plenty of commercial products in stores that can have great results as well. As with any product that one places in or on their body, please do your research first.

     3.      Sealing in the moisture. It is imperative to seal in the moisture that is placed onto our hair.  Placing an oil or butter in the hair while the hair is wet or damp does this. Allowing the hair to absorb the oil while drying, locking in the moisture without having to pile globs of oil onto out hair. Some of the most popular oils used on natural hair are:
-Olive Oil
-Avocado Oil
-Jojoba Oil
-Coconut Oil
-Almond/Sweet Almond Oil
-Castor Oil

     4.   Protecting our ends is crucial. Our ends are the oldest part of our hair making it the most prone to breakage. This makes protecting these ends an integral part of our hair care schedule. Styling hair in manners that require less daily manipulation is always an option Braids, Twists, Buns and extensions always are good methods to adopt to protect hair.

    5.     Moisture - The water that we put into our body is just as important as the water that we use to moisturize before sealing. Ever heard the expression "We are what we eat"? Well its true if you are dehydrated and in desperate need of water your hair will be the same way. Therefore we must water ourselves from the inside out. In the summer months it may be crucial to moisturize multiple times a day. Just mist your hair with water to maintain moisture.

Besides these simple rules there are hundreds of ways that we can be more creative in the way that we manage our hair, but knowing the basics will allow for an amazing summer with your crown of glory. Enjoy your summer ladies!

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